Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cream of Broccoli Soup

Healthy version of the popular all-time favorite soup!! Broccoli is rich in Vitamins A, K and C and is said to prevent cancer. So, eat up!!!

This recipes serves 2

Broccoli florets : 3-4 cups
Milk : 2 cups
Water or Vegetable broth : 2 cups
Other vegetables (optional) : 1 cup
Cheese : 1 cup
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Boil broccoli and other vegetables of your choice in water until tender.
2. Transfer them to the food processor and whisk for about 2 minutes, until you have a smooth paste. Add water or vegetable broth (from boiling the veggies earlier) to loosen up the consistency.
3. Transfer the paste back to the soup pot and stir in rest of the vegetable broth.
4. Add milk to the soup pot, while constantly stirring the broccoli mixture. Make sure the setting is turned to low heat (to prevent curdling).
5. Add cheese (any cheese is ok, as long as it melts) to the mixture and keep stirring.
6. Simmer on low for about 5-7 minutes, stirring at equal intervals.
7. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve

I used 1% milk while making this soup. You can use 2% milk or skim - but if you use skim, lessen the amount of water or vegetable broth to maintain the thick consistency of the soup.

As for cheese, you can use any cheese that melts easy - Velveeta, mozzarella or in my case, I used Laughing Cow Low fat Swiss cheese wedges - I used 3 wedges.